Having watched my ‘overview’, please now hear some of the witnesses!

a) Undeniably strong first-hand evidence for modern-day miracles (including resurrection!)

I have personally witnessed many miracles. Most are difficult to objectively verify. Here, however, I present testimonies that surely put the reality of modern day miracles beyond reasonable doubt.

Hear the story of Marolyn Ford, a lady who became blind aged 19 with an incurable condition (Juvenile Macular Degeneration). Her sight was dramatically healed with prayer.

Prof. Craig Keener presents a strong academic case for miracles today,

If you want to see hard evidence for miracles, with objectively verifiable testimony, please do watch ‘Send Proof’. It’s a wonderful (pay to view) movie. Well worth the small expense!

Hear this Zoom interview between myself (Steve Smith) and Dr Chauncey Crandall an experienced American cardiologist and follower of Jesus Christ. On one occasion, Dr Crandall felt called to pray for a man who had been pronounced dead some time earlier. He was raised to life and there can be no natural explanation for this particular case.

Lee Strobel makes a case for miracles. If you only have a few minutes, watch from 23.01

b) Evidence that shows Darwin’s flawed assumption (that make ‘evolution by random mutation and natural selection’ untenable)

(i) The impossibility of ‘spontaneous’ life
View this excellent (one hour) conversation between two eminent scientists showing how DNA and / or the first replicating cell could not have occurred without God:

(ii) The impossibility of complexity by random mutation and natural selection

For Darwin’s theory to hold, every feature in life needs to have a ‘selective advantage’. Yet there are countless biological systems which have no such advantage and these systems clearly point to ‘design’.

Distinguished scientist Günter Bechly tells how he came to doubt Darwin and become intrigued by the evidence for intelligent design.

Read this article which shows why the existence of sexual reproduction clearly points to design. If the sexes came about by evolution, which came first, male or female?

Hear Dr Günter Bechly (a renowned palaeontologist) explain that the fossil record clearly shows ‘explosions of diversity’, which is further evidence for ‘Intelligent Design’

(iii) The fossil record does NOT support evolution (as Darwin himself was acutely aware) and clearly points instead to ‘Intelligent Design’

c) Evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ

Lee Strobel was an investigative journalist who set out to disprove the resurrection (when his wife became a Christian). He discovered evidence which convinced him of the REALITY of the resurrection.

A drama depicting the true account of Lee Strobel, a journalist who chases down THE BIGGEST STORY IN HISTORY:

'Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God?'

Read the evidence presented by a lawyer that strongly supports a historical case for the resurrection.

Historian Gary Habermas presents evidence for the resurrection of Jesus that even skeptics believe.

The science of ‘Textual Criticism’ shows that our New Testament accounts of the life, death and resurrection are extremely reliable copies of the eye-witness accounts.

d) Evidence of changed lives

Very many people have had their lives dramatically changed for the better in a way that could never happen through any other means. Hear these short but inspiring testimonies!

Hear the story of former football hooligan Gram Seen. This hardened and violent criminal spent many years in prison, followed by years of addiction but was changed beyond recognition when he found Jesus.

This is a moving story of forgiveness and transformation for a man who murdered many during the Rwandan genocide.

e) More!

There is very much more that could be added here and perhaps I’ll present additional material later. There are, for example, strong moral and philosophical arguments for God which could be included. But for now I’ll add just a few more pieces of evidence that have especially impressed me.

In this short video, numerous scientists call for a recognition of Intelligent Design as valid science.

Hear this interview and consider, might atheism actually be fuelled by ‘scientific pretension’s?

Lee Strobel (featured above), an investigative journalist with legal training, briefly describes his journey away from atheism.


We do well to consider a couple of quotes by American (non-Christian) academic, David Berlinski, author of ‘“The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions”.